How To Make Sitemap For Blogger



Creating a sitemap for your Blogger blog is essential to help search engines index your content effectively. A sitemap is a list of all of the pages and postings on your website blog which you want a search engine to explore and index. To establish a sitemap for a web page, follow these steps Blogger blog:

Step 1: Access Your Blogger Account

  • Go to and log in to your Blogger account using your Google credentials.

Step 2: Access Your Blog

  • After logging in, you'll be taken to the Blogger dashboard. Click on the blog for which you want to create a sitemap. If you have multiple blogs, ensure you select the correct one.

Step 3: Access the Settings

  • In the left sidebar, click "Settings" for your selected blog.

Step 4: Search Preferences

  • In the Settings menu, click on "Search preferences."

Step 5: Enable Custom Robots.txt

  • Scroll down to the "Custom robots.txt" section. This section allows you to define how search engines should crawl and index your blog.
  • Select the "Edit" button next to "The Customs robots.txt."

Step 6: Enable Custom Robots.txt

  • In the "Custom robots.txt" box, you can enter the following code:
  • makefileCopy code
  • User-agent: * Disallow: /search Disallow: /archives/ 
  • This code instructs search engines to decline to crawl the page your blog's search results and archive pages. It ensures that only your main content is included in the sitemap.

Step 7: Save Changes

  • After inputting the code, click the "Save" button changes" button.

Step 8: Generate the Sitemap

  • Now, you'll need to create your sitemap. There are various online tools available that can generate a sitemap for you. One popular option is the Google XML Sitemaps Generator (
  • Enter your blog's URL to the Google XML Sitemaps Generator website.
  • Click the "Start" button to generate your sitemap.

Step 9: Download the Sitemap

  • Once the sitemap is generated, you will receive a download link. Click on it to download the sitemap file to your computer.

Step 10: Upload Sitemap to Blogger

  • Return to your Blogger dashboard.
  • Go to "Settings" > "Search preferences" again.
  • In the "Custom robots.txt" section, click on the "Edit" link.
  • Replace the code with the following:
  • makefileCopy code
  • User-agent: * Disallow: /search Disallow: /archives/ Sitemap: your-blog-url/sitemap.xml 
  • Replace "your-blog-url" with your actual blog's URL.

Step 11: Save Changes

  • To save what you've modified, click the blue "Save my changes" button changes" button custom robots.txt file with the sitemap reference.

Step 12: Submit Sitemap to Google

  • To ensure that Google knows about your sitemap, go to Google Search Console (
  • Add your blog and verify ownership if you haven't already.
  • Once verified, click on your blog property and "Sitemaps" in the left sidebar.
  • Click on the "Add/Test Sitemap" button and enter "sitemap.xml" in the box (without quotes).
  • Click "Submit."

That's it! You've successfully created and submitted a sitemap for your Blogger blog. This will help search engines index your blog's content more efficiently, improving its visibility in search results.


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